This article is to inform you about some exciting changes to our learning center.
Online Classes
In mid-March 2020 when the school systems across the country were shutting down due to the COVID-19 pandemics, we were able to act promptly to move all our physical classes in our downtown NYC location seamlessly into virtual online classes. This was done without any interruption of service. To protect our students, families, and our staff, we have been offering only virtual online classroom instructions for the past almost two years. We, Computing Wisdom, and probably many of you too, believe that some form of COVID will plague us for a long time, or might even be forever. This is the reason why we gave up our physical NYC downtown location and started to focus on delivering online instructions a little over a year ago.
Competitive STEM Program (renamed from Competitive Math Program)
In the aim of expanding our current course offerings to more students and to other STEM areas of study, we will be renaming our Competitive Math program to Competition STEM program and will add to it two new course sequences:
Fundamentals 1 AB/CD
Discrete Math & Computing with Python A/B/C/D
Fundamentals 1 AB/CD
This course sequence is to fill the gap of our lower-level courses to include gifted/high achieving 1st graders. With this new course sequence, our lower-level courses will compose a complete elementary math curriculum for gifted/high achieving students.
Part AB of this course sequence will be available this coming summer for private tutoring and the coming fall for courses.
Discrete Math & Computing with Python A/B/C/D
This course sequence is to fill the gap of our STEM offerings to include computing courses and to reach more students. It is a hybrid math and computing course targeted to gifted/high-achieving students from 8th graders to 12th graders and beyond, i.e. to include college students and adult learners, with a solid background in Algebra and little or no prior programming experience.
Discrete Math serves as the math foundation for computing. Python is a popular, general-purpose, and user-friendly language for software programming. It makes great sense to incorporate Discrete Math, Computing, and Python together into a course sequence offering a comprehensive introduction to the world of computing. This course sequence is another option besides the standard high school AP/IB courses and first-year university STEM courses for students to take. Together with other upper-level courses in our Competitive STEM program, it builds a solid foundation for students to succeed in math competitions, top universities, and competitive careers. It is proof-intensive throughout, making it an alternative math olympiad course sequence for proof-based math competitions such as the USA Mathematical Talent Search.
Part A of this course sequence will be available this coming summer.
To find out more about this course sequence, please refer to the PDF slideshow at https://www.computing-wisdom.com/.../dcecc0....
Computing Wisdom is now an Online Specialized STEM Learning Center
Computing Wisdom is transforming from a specialized math center into an online specialized STEM learning center. We will continue the tradition of providing a broader, deeper, comprehensive, and challenging STEM curriculum for a wide range of gifted/high-achieving students. We have been having the same mission since October 17, 2015 when we opened our learning center in downtown NYC, that is, to empower our students to become today's brightest STEM students and tomorrow's great STEM leaders around the world.
Please feel free to reach us for more questions about these changes!